Prestressed Concrete Sheet Piles (SW)
Prestressed concrete sheet piles (SW) conforming Japanese Standard JIS 5373:2010 are widely used in Vietnam, especially for projects related to embankments, jetty, canal embankment, soil retaining wall, and harbor embankment.
- Prestressed concrete sheet piles have several advantages:
- High durability
- Greater bending moment compared to regular concrete square pile thanks to its W-shaped structure
- 1.5 to 3 times increasing of friction between piles and soil compared to other piles that have the same cross section dimension, thanks to W-shaped cross section

Prestressed Centrifugal Concrete Spun Pile ( PC & PHC)
Prestressed centrifugal concrete spun piles (PC & PHC) by TDC1 meet the quality standard TCVN 7888:2014. PC and PHC piles are also one of TDC1’s main products. They are created in compliance with the company’s motto, which is “High quality- Reliability- Efficiency”. Therefore, TDC1 has provided prestressed centrifugal concrete spun piles to several projects as well as gained clients’ trust for 12 years.

U-Shaped and T-Shaped Prestressed Concrete Beams
U-shaped and T-shaped prestressed concrete beams are widely used in Vietnam.
This product is popular thanks to its great strength, which allows less beam usage in cross-section as well as reduces deflection caused by long-span concretes. Moreover, u-shaped and t-shaped prestressed concrete beams have more benefits, including faster installing progress and money saving.